It does not off-gas at all, so is perfect for people with chemical sensitivities and does not generate any "electrical pollution". Due to allergies, my sinuses were previously congested during the night , especially when the forced-air furnace came on, and now because of this purifier, they are clear and I sleep much better. ... this is a GREAT purifier!!

I received the air purifier promptly and received the correct product. I''ve had problems previously with ordering this machine (from a different seller), because I had orderd the Healthmate Junior Plus, but received the basic Healthmate Junior. It''s buyer beware with these air purifiers, because Austin Air, the manufacturer, doesn''t put the "Plus" on the machine. So I had to call Austin Air with the serial number to check, and that''s how I found out I received the wrong item. Amazon and the other seller were great about taking the machine back. Now I chose this seller and am very pleased to have received the right air purifier. Austin Air purifiers have a good reputation and I see them at the offices of several of my doctors so I believe I''m in good company ordering them. This one is going into my child''s bedroom.
Buy Austin Air Healthmate Jr. Plus Air Purifier Now
The unit has a nice design and structural very well build. It has 3 fan speed settings which bring me to the problem. Speed setting 1 & 2, although very quiet, the intake air is not noticeable at all.... it is unable to hold up just the littlest of tissue when placed against the 4 intake air surfaces. In other words, there is no air intake at all. Speed 3 is the only setting that appears to take in air and is also able to hold the tissue against the housing. That would indicate dust/odor IN and clean air OUT....but this setting it is also the noisiest.
Not sure if this will help someone, you can try the test yourself and see what you think.
P.S. I use the #3 setting all day (it is doing a good job) and shut the unit off at nights.
Read Best Reviews of Austin Air Healthmate Jr. Plus Air Purifier Here
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