I already bought a Berkey Light filter which works by gravity and can be cleaned indefintely and keep working. In using it, I found that my output water hsd the same pH as my input water, pH 6.0 roughly. I got these Santevia stones to try to alkalyze the water. The pH moved to about 6.5. Good, but not as much as I had hoped. I still add a few drops of "Willard water" to move it some more. The center filters two thru six of the Santevia filter system also move the pH towards alkaline for those who buy this complete system. The final stones are claimed to last much longer than the center Santevia filters. I may buy another pack of these stones to add to my Berkey Light.

After reading the last review I would just like to comment that these stones are to add the minerals back to your water. I have been using this whole system for almost 3 years now and it is the best water I have ever had. It is comparable to the FIJI water without the hefty price tag and the stuff that the ceramic pre-filter filters out is disgusting! As per the previos reviewer, if you want to be more alkaline then your diet needs to consist of 80% alkaline foods and 20 % can be acidic. I have a very alkaline body :) I use this filter to filter the junk out of my water and it works amazing for that!
Buy Santevia Enhanced Mineral Stone Post Filter Now
I have been using this filter for over a year and the water that comes from it normally tastes unusually good. It is soft and has no chemical after taste. However, the last couple of months I have noticed that algae has been appearing in the bottom area where the stones are. I have ceased using this because I am concerned about bacteria in the water.
Read Best Reviews of Santevia Enhanced Mineral Stone Post Filter Here
We used this in our Berkey with 0 results. The stones just sit there and didn''t do anything to alter our water''s mineral or PH level.
I contacted the company and this is what they told me "We cannot guarantee that using our mineral stones will work with your Berkey as you are missing an important component such as our 5 stage filter which helps in the re-mineralizing and alkalizing of your source water"
So basically you have to buy their $200 plastic water system (no plastic for my family, thank you) and a filter pack $108 and replace the filter every 6 months.
We spent the money on Berkey because the are know and and trusted and is a non-plastic container that holds our drinking water, and doesn''t leech BPA into the water.
If you are looking to raise your waters PH levels. I strongly suggest you look elsewhere.
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