Orange Glo Hardwood Floor Clean and Shine System Save 22% Off

Orange Glo Hardwood Floor Clean and Shine SystemI will try to save you the misery. I had new oak flooring installed less than a year ago. I wanted to keep them looking new so I bought Orange Glo hardwood floor cleaner and polish. The first few times it looked great, the it all went bad. I started to notice that my floors looked hazey and streaked, every footprint and drop of whatever showed in a white residue. Two weeks ago one of my dogs had an accident that didn''t get noticed right away, until this huge white spot appeared. I panicked to say the least. I got out my orange glow and mop and started scrubbing. This grayish, green stuff was all over my mop. I panicked some more. Got on the computor and typed in orange glo, went to a website called epinions and was horrified to start reading 73 reviews talking about how terrible this stuff is. Everyone said the same thing, white splotches, sticky residue, streaks, and the more you try to fix it with orange glo the worse it got. Several people suggested Windex to remove the orange glo. So yesterday I spent 9 hours, yes I said 9 hours on my hands and knees with a gallon of windex and a bucket of hot water and lots of micro fiber clothes. You need to spray a small section at a time and let it sit for a couple of minutes and then start scrubbing with a wet micro cloth. You may need to repeat this several times depending on the amount of build up. You will see a grayish, green gunk come up on the rag and in the cracks of the floor. Use a toothbrush to get it out of the cracks. Once you have removed all of the build up, dry the area with a clean micro fiber cloth. I thought my floor was scratched from my dogs, well low and behold they were just removing the build up of this stuff. My floor looks brand new now, just like when it was installed. I will be doing some seriuos research before anything touches this floor again. Hopefully you read this before you buy it so you will not be stuck in the same situation. Don''t take just my word on it, go to epinions and read the reviews for yourself.

I really wanted to give this product 0 stars but 1 star is the minimum rating you can give.

I started using this product on our new hard wood floors thinking I could maintain the brand new look.I used the product as directed. On the first application, I was very happy and satisfied .After subsequent applications I noticed the floor started showing streaks, drag marks and even water spots. Horrified that our hard wood floors are ruined I went home depot looking for a fix. They told me to stop using orange glo or murphys oil. Any type of oil on hard wood floors is a *dust magnet*.Bruce cleaner is the best you can use to maintain your hard wood floors. Orange glo leaves a bad greyish green film/residue on the floors which is really hard to remove. Regular use of Orange glo will make your floors appear more *DULL*. I used Mr. Clean magic eraser and bruce hardwood cleaner to get the orange glo residue off my floors.

Hope this review helps and you don''t make the same mistake I made.

Buy Orange Glo Hardwood Floor Clean and Shine System Now

Wow! I wish I would have read these reviews before buying this product. In only 6 months my new hardwood floors started looking dull with a dingy film. Thank you Blajoie Bryan for the tip of cleaning with Ammonia and water. After only 1 mopping with this combination my floors are already looking better. I plan on repeating this method every day until the shine is fully restored.

Read Best Reviews of Orange Glo Hardwood Floor Clean and Shine System Here

The liquid product sold in this package is also sold by itself, do not use. Amazon should stop selling it immediately.

As I said in the review of the liquid cleaner/polish:


The product when initially used leaves a shiny residue. DON''T BE FOOLED. This residue quickly scratches, leaves scuff marks, and soon turns into a milky white cloud. Your hardwood floors will turn into a dull milky cloudy mess. No amount of scrubbing, soap or water will remove the dull milky residue. This residue is very thick, almost like a polyurethane.

Some have suggested using Windex and a buffer. If you try this you will see thick gunky residue come up.

You will need to spend thousands refinishing your floors.

We are extremely upset. Our hardwood floors cost thousands of dollars and were BRAND NEW, our new beautiful floors are ruined because of this product.

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THIS STUFF IS GARBAGE!! Do not use it! I lived in a historic home with gorgeous hardwood floors throughout. The home was scheduled to be on the Historic Elmwood Park Tour of Homes and the floor had a few scratches, so I went to the store and bought this Orange Glo 4-in-1 Hardwood Floor Clean & Shine. The first time I used it, the floors gleamed! I was proud for the house to be on tour and it was then scheduled to be filmed for HGTV''s "If Walls Could Talk" episode "Historical Ties", so I used this stuff again. After the filming of "If Walls Coult Talk", I continued using this stuff on my floors. I, too, started to notice streaks and splatters everywhere along with a white sticky build-up. I had to use straight amonia and scrubbed for several days followed by clean water rinse. I realized this worked, but there was still buildup in the kitchen, where I used it most. I had to scrape this stuff off with a razor blade and then re-finish the hardwood floors! Please don''t use this stuff!

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Skin Deep said...

Very informative! I have hardwood floors so I should keep my floors clean at all cost, other wise, the floors start to stain. However, since I have 4 kids and work, I’m unable. I have found that The Top Cleaner is a website that has helped me find the best companies to clean my floors!

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