Buy NuvoH2O HPWH42516C Saltless Water Softener Manor System Cartridge Now
Replacement filter for my systerm. We have had this system for nearly a year. Filters last just over 6 months with our household useage (2 adults and 3 children 6 and under). Baths each night, many washer loads and dishwasher uses.Highly recommended.
Read Best Reviews of NuvoH2O HPWH42516C Saltless Water Softener Manor System Cartridge Here
The replacement cartridge came with clear instructions for removal of the original cartridge and installation of the replacement. One extra step that I had to add myself to avoid leaks was to apply some Dow Corning 111 valve lubricant and sealant to the O-ring (it is safe for plastics and rubber) prior to installing the new cartridge. So far there have been no leaks.A couple of cautions -when releasing the water pressure via the valve on top of the housing it helps to put a towel on the housing, to avoid spraying yourself and the walls with water. Also, when removing the bottom portion of the housing there will be a water spill, so have something ready below to catch it, and roll up your sleeves otherwise they will be wet.
Want NuvoH2O HPWH42516C Saltless Water Softener Manor System Cartridge Discount?
product seems to be the most cost effective way of reducing hard water without having to install a salt based water softener. The filter is about $90.00 (Manor System filter. It''s recommended to be changed every 6 months which means an annual total cost of $180.00 per year.
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