- Countertop convenience with undercounter-like filtration results
- Clean design
- Portable
- Heavy duty, long-reach chrome faucet
- change the filter every 3 months or 500-Gallon depending on the hardness of your water
**My water tastes completely different, and I noticed on the first sip. It tastes like water, instead of water that''s been laced with some kind of weird aftertaste or partially steeped in a foreign substance. When I have a cup of tea, I find that even the tea tastes more crisp and simple. It''s not hampered with odd flavors from whatever was in my water. And, since I enjoy my tea a great deal, this is good news to me. :)
**Installation was really simple. I did it in less than five minutes while chatting with a friend on the phone with the phone pinned with my shoulder. Really low-effort. Just twisting a few pieces and using a little wrench dealie. No crouching under the sink or drilling holes. Not an intimidating process in the least.
**Water pressure is surprisingly strong. I can fill a pot without it taking all day.
**I have to move and travel frequently, and I know I can remove and re-install this in a snap, no matter where I have to go, without damage or interruption to the plumbing or water system of the next place. It''s also compact enough to be packed into a suitcase without sacrificing a lot of room or adding inconvenient weight.
**Overall, I''m impressed at how uncomplicated and unconfusing this setup is. I get filtered water quickly and can get on with my day. I think the price is also very fair, especially for the peace of mind I feel having filtered water and the better enjoyment of the taste in my drinks and cooking.
Second, the basics::
I really know very little about water filtration so I had a few questions before I bought this item. I think that, for those like me, who don''t know much about the process, it can be confusing trying to pick out a filter because what may be common knowledge to some people gets glossed over. Basic questions are sometimes not covered because it seems assumed that the potential customer should know them. In case there''s anyone who is feeling that way, I''m going to offer a few basic tidbits about my experience with this filter in case it might be of use. If you''re already comfortable with the basics of water filtration, this will be too simplistic for use, I''m sure, so never mind it.
The product is much like the photo, except that the photo doesn''t show how it connects to your water system, which I found confusing. Is it a tank? Would that mean it has a tiny capacity? Does it connect to the plumbing? Would I have to drill holes in the counter or sink?
Thankfully, it was a no to all of that.
What this unit is, is actually a fitting that goes onto the end of your faucet (not pictured) and a slender white tubing that connects from the fitting and into the tall, white unit, which houses a filter. When you turn on your water, water flows out of the tap as normal. (The fitting allows for this.) When you want filtered water, you pull a diverter pin on the fitting and the flow goes, instead, through the tubing, and into the filter, where it trickles down, is cleaned, and comes out the unit''s own spout. When you are done, turn off the water as normal on your faucet, or push the pin back in and water will return to flowing from your faucet head.
The filter unit does hold some water inside it after you''re done, but it''s not stored water meant for drinking. When you first turn on the water and divert it to the filter, wait a few seconds for the stagnant water to clear, then collect what you need. The filter doesn''t need time to build up and process or slowly drip through. You just turn on the water and it starts flowing. There''s no concern of capacity not meeting demand and the filtered water won''t ''run out''. It comes out of the filter as quickly as it would come out of your faucet''s tap.
As for the tubing, it''s not something you can really hide or cover, but apart from the potential aesthetic issue some people might have, there''s no physical inconvenience of tangling or twisting or anything. (but really, you''re already making the choice to put a mini white water tower on your counter, so do you care about aesthetics?) There''s just enough lead for you to let it run back behind your sink and put the unit off to the side. While that may be a negative for some, the benefit of having an on-top-of-counter unit is that you don''t have to do any tricky installations, I suppose. You just place the unit on your counter, twist off your faucet''s current cap, twist on the unit''s fitting, and you''re done.
If you''re looking for a full house system or some really hardcore equipment, I don''t think this is really what you''re looking for, but if you''re looking for inexpensive, quick to put in, easy use, for some good drinking and cooking water for you or your family, this has been a great purchase for me and I would recommend it for others.
Buy Tap Master tmjrf2 Tap Master Jr F2 Counter Top Water Filtration System (White) Now
I''ve only had this for 1 month, but I feel safe enough to give a 5 star review. The setup was easy as pie; no tools were needed at all, only two fingers. Screw off your faucet cap, screw on the filter director/regulator, and you''re done. It was actually easier than attaching my old Brita faucet filter. That thing was a pain in the neck that leaked constantly, and got dirty because it was made of plastic, etc. The Tap Master F2''s attachment doesn''t leak at all (which is saying something with my old, crusty faucet), and is made of metal/chrome, so it blends in and can easily be washed off.The picture above is misleading; there is a white hose that goes from your faucet to the filter. It''s kind of stiff, so you may want to wind it around the filter and swing it back behind your sink knobs to keep it out of the way.
The water tastes SO great. I made iced tea in the fridge with this right after I bought it, and WOW, I know why tea always tasted kind of bitter to me now; because the water was bad. Tea tastes soo good now. I can''t stop drinking it. I love getting a cold glass of water. I make ice cubes with this too, and even those are nice. Fluoride free is the way to be!
I haven''t yet changed the filter on it, but when I do, I''ll update this review to tell how hard/easy that was too. Overall, money well spent!
Update 3-22-12: I just received my replacement filter and had a bit of difficulty getting the bottom to unscrew (probably because I waited so long to replace it, my own fault). You might have to whack the unit against the countertop a few times to break things up to get it to come loose. After that, you just twist off the bottom, lift out the old, drop in the new. The instructions say to clean it with bleach and let it air dry, but it was very clean inside mine so I took the lazy way out. If there was slime or a musty odor, I would have washed it, but there was zero slime and when I sniffed the inside it actually smelled good! Like, I-wanted-to-keep-breathing-it good. Definitely clean, which I was not expecting. Easy process!This is a great product...Having been an Oceanus distributor many years ago Im knowledgeable....This is well made, easy to install and use...Good flow and quality...Not only does it make your drinking better, but plants love the fact that is removes flouride...My hawaian Thai plant gets flouride burn on the tips, this treats that problem...Cartridge lasts a long time and is reasonable...the company reps are a pleasure to talk with and are very helpful...Would highly recommend this product...dogs like it, and etc.
Want Tap Master tmjrf2 Tap Master Jr F2 Counter Top Water Filtration System (White) Discount?
I love my new Tap Master F-2 Filtration System! I''ve been meaning to get a filtration system that would remove fluoride (and chlorine too) ever since I discovered to my dismay that my Brita filter actually prided itself of leaving a "healthy amount of fluoride" behind. Eeek!But I didn''t really want to deal with the hassle of having to install an under-counter filter, or spend hundreds of dollars.
And then I found this one. For less than a hundred dollars, it was perfect for my needs, took just minutes to set up, and I was able to arrange the tubing so it wouldn''t get in the way. The filter just sits next to my sink and produces all the clean and great-tasting water I want.
So now I have finally gotten into the habit of drinking lots and lots of water.Okay so I have had this filter for about a month. Here in Ok city we have really bad water with a whole lot of toxins and contaminates. I bought this filter for my family especially for my baby to have cleaner drinking water. It made the water have a funny taste so I bought TDS water quality tester and tested my tap water which read 190 which is bad, then I tested the water from the filter and I got the same reading 190! So I thought maybe something was wrong so I tested bottled water that my husband brought home from work and it test 0 which is what you want in regards to water purity. So I called the company and told them the situation and they told me not to worry about it because all a TDS meter test is the mineral content. That made no sense to sense you would think it would at least get some stuff out of the water if it''s minerals or not! So I called the makers of the TDS meter and they said the TDS meter reads the TOTAL total dissolved solids including contaminants and toxins so if the filter is working the reading should be significantly lower. I even tested the water from our shower head filter that is only supposed to get the chlorine out and and had a lower reading then I got from this filter and I bought the shower head filter from walmart for ten bucks! I am really hurt and almost in tears here. We are not rich and we bought this filter for 100 dollars plus a 30 dollar extra filter that does not seem to work at all and I have been giving this water to my family for over a month. No wonder our plants are even dying. You really cant trust anybody these days at all. We just moved here from Germany and in Germany we do not have this problem with contaminated water. Well so I have made about 5 phone calls today and I finally found a place that will test my water to see for sure if the filter is working at all. When I get the results I will write back. And no I don''t work for another company or I would of told you to buy something else. Just a plane ol'' military wife. I am really hurt over this. We just don''t have money to give away to crooks.
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