Premier WP4-V Reverse Osmosis System

Premier WP4-V Reverse Osmosis System with Monitoring FaucetPro: The system works and the monitoring faucet provide a easy way for filtered water.

Con: water leaks when the tank is near empty (when the tank is filled, no more water leaking)

Other thought: do not draw to much filtered water (2.5 gallon) at a time.

Reverse osmosis is based upon your existing water line pressure. I have decent water line pressure in city of San Jose, not too low, not too high, but when using this WP4-V, very little water would come out. So I had to buy an extra retrofit pump from watts premier, only to find out it''s not for this new type of RO system, only the traditional 5 stage with the tubings sticking out of the 4 and 5 stage filters. Undaunted, I hook up the pump to prefilter line, install the sensor at the output line, and it works! But not after a lot of frustration and cursing. My advise: don''t get the WP4-V or WP5-50, go for the traditional RO system just in case you need that pump, it''s better to get the model with the water pump anyway and enjoy steady RO pure water.

Buy Premier WP4-V Reverse Osmosis System Now


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