1. Clean your machine after each use. That means taking apart the brushes and washing out the front nozzle. This is an investment and if you want it to continue working like it did the first day, you need to take care of it.
2. Do not leave left over or dirty water in the tank when you put it away. This will wear away at the joints and increases the chances the leaks.
3. Do not leave left over detergent in the tank .. see #2.
4. Read the directions when you put it together and make sure you read how to use this rather than just take it out and turn it on. I never read the first manual and didn''t realize I should have been cleaning and using the spray button a totally different way.
This is a great machine and I hope it will last just as if not longer now that I know how to take care of and use it properly.Ten months ago we bought $7000 of new light-colored carpeting. Two months ago we got two new puppies and one new shelter dog (none of which were housebroken), in addition to our other three dogs (one of which is a senior citizen and becoming incontinent). We live in an area with coyotes and mountain lions and we cannot leave our dogs out at night.
Needless to say, our new carpet took a huge, devastating hit while we all adjusted to our new life together. On top of all that, we live in a rural mountain community and the amount of dust and dirt and mud that blows in and/or gets tracked in is astounding, no matter how careful we try to be. I thought a few rooms of carpeting might not be salvageable.
So my Mom''s Day gift to myself was the Hoover F7412-900 SteamVac Dual V Widepath Carpet Cleaner with the Hoover Pet Formula Detergent. O.M.G. My carpet looks and smells absolutely brand new. Stains and odors that I thought might be in the carpet permanently all came out. I''m really shocked. I didn''t expect such a great result.
I love the light clean smell of the Pet Formula... it''s not overpowering by any means (and I used a lot). The Hoover SteamVac and the Hoover Pet Formula detergent saved our carpet.
As far as the SteamVac itself, I find it super easy to refill the clean water tank and empty the dirty water tank. It''s a heavy machine, so I''m glad they didn''t make the tanks any larger, as it would have been way too heavy for me to handle. The way it is now, it''s perfect... I plan to use it frequently for carpet maintenance.
I know I sound like a cheesy infomercial for Hoover now, but I can''t help it. My husband and I are beyond thrilled!
*Several months later... I just posted before/after photos of our dining room (one of the main thoroughfares in our house). I''m a bit ashamed -it''s like announcing to the public what size underwear I buy or publishing pictures of myself without makeup first thing in the morning. I mean, my carpet was THAT bad... but hey, we''re all friends, right? I want you to see the nasty carpet I had and how beautifully restored it was after using the Hoover. Just remember this: push the Hoover slowly back and forth across your carpet. Don''t rush a good thing. You''ll get fabulous results that way.
Buy Hoover MaxExtract Dual V Carpet Cleaner Now
I just got this carpet cleaner from Amazon.com and I am so happy with it. It outcleans everything I''ve ever used before, including professional cleaning companies. I owned a Kirby years ago and it can''t hold a candle to this Hoover cleaner. I found it was much easier to use than the rug doctor, which I''ve rented many times, and since I own it, I don''t have to haul it back to the store and I have all the time I want to clean my carpets.It was very easy to use, and I particularly like the clean water rinse feature. It gets all the detergent residue out, and my carpet was soft and lofty after cleaning. Just think, you wouldn''t wear your clothes washed and not rinsed.
The power is awesome, my carpet was practically dry when I finished. I got back very close to the amount of water that was dispensed. My carpet was dry enough to walk on in an hour and vacuum in 2 hours. This machine is so well made that I look forward to having soft clean carpet for years to come. It has the quality that I expected from a Hoover. I researched all brands of cleaners dilligently on the net and even looked at some brands, including Bissell, in a store before I decided on this particular Hoover machine. I''ve never been so happy while cleaning my carpets before. I had it out of the box and ready to go in minutes. It''s as easy to use as a vacuum cleaner, plus, Amazon''s sale price was cheaper than any price for the same machine that I found. I am a happy camper with this purchase!
Read Best Reviews of Hoover MaxExtract Dual V Carpet Cleaner Here
I saw the product at a retailer, then saw it priced less on Amazon (plus no tax or shipping), so I said what the heck, try it. I have a medium-tan carpet and two dogs and two cats. The cleaner was easy to assemble. All you need is a phillips screw driver. I''m not to swift at using carpet cleaners, but once I got the hang of it, it was easy to use and it REALLY WORKED!One of the attractive features is the large waste tank. It allows you to cover allot of area before stopping to empty it. Also, the vacuum really sucks up the water/cleaner solution in the carpet, the carpet dried really fast. I wouldn''t hesitate using it the same day if I were hosting a family get together. I highly recommend this SteamVac.
Want Hoover MaxExtract Dual V Carpet Cleaner Discount?
My parents told me they wanted to buy me a carpet cleaner for my birthday and were planning to get a Bissell similar to the one they have. I have a Consumer Reports subscription, so I figured I''d be able to find out what CR thought about various brands and models. It turns out that, as of January 2009, Consumer Reports hasn''t even bothered to test carpet cleaners.So I hopped online to check out some reviews elsewhere, and the Bissell didn''t fare very well. In Amazon''s customer reviews, the Hoovers outperformed Bissells across the board. There was a sale at a local store, so I started looking at reviews for any Hoovers that the store sold. It didn''t take long to narrow down my choices to the Dual-V Widemouth and the All-Terrain (which both had great reviews on Amazon), so I opted for the cheaper one--which was also $20 cheaper than the Bissell my parents had originally planned to buy!
Well, yesterday was my birthday and we did the family thing today, so I got to open up my present and try it out for the first time. It didn''t take long at all for me to realize that my new Hoover beats Bissell, hands-down. You can stop reading now, because there''s simply no comparison.
Hmmm...I can see you''re still reading, so I guess you didn''t believe me the first time. Fine, I''ll make a few comparisons:
1. Sure, the Bissell ProHeat has a built-in heater, but you put hot water into the thing anyway and the water stays hot until you spit it onto the floor and suck it back up, so the heater offers no advantage, whatsoever.
2. The 6 circular spinning scrub brushes do a better job scrubbing than the long drum brush that most other carpet cleaners seem to have (including my parents'' Bissell and all the other Bissells I looked at during my couple days'' worth of research). The big long brush just strokes the carpet a few times each rotation, while the circular spinning brushes have tons of bristles constantly rubbing against the carpet.
3. The Hoover destroys stains and dirty patches that the Bissell could hardly even lighten.
4. The Hoover has separate dirty and clean water tanks, both about the same capacity. (There is one gotcha: the dirty tank looks like it can hold almost twice as much, but it doesn''t. You''ll see what I mean if you use it. I''ts not a problem though; just empty the dirty tank whenever you refill the clean tank.) My parents'' Bissell ProHeat has one tank that has separate compartments for both clean and dirty water. Since it''s physically only about the size of one of the Hoover''s tanks, the Bissell''s capacity is only about half that of the Hoover--which means you''ll be dumping and refilling twice as often.
5. The Hoover''s first-time use is a little more complicated than that of some of the other carpet cleaners I''ve used, but this machine has extra attachments and is easier to clean. Just read the book the first time you''re about to use it, and remember to clean the tanks and the pick-up area after each use. It''s pretty easy to figure out after that.
Still not convinced? Well, how about a little story. My parents brought their Bissell ProHeat carpet cleaner over to my house soon after I bought the place, and my dad did a thorough cleaning. He ran over a dirty patch in the hallway about 20 times, and spent a good 45 minutes trying to clean a stain in front of the fireplace--he must have gone over that stain at least 30 times. My fiance and I have borrowed both my parents'' carpet cleaner and her mom''s carpet cleaner a couple times since then, and no matter how many times we''ve tried cleaning the carpets, both the dirty patch and the stain defiantly stood their ground, just mocking us.
I ran my new Hoover SteamVac Dual-V Widepath over the hallway patch a couple times, and the dirty patch now almost matches the rest of the carpet. Then, for the true test, I took the cleaner down to the basement and cleaned that spot in front of the fireplace. I ran over it once and it seemed like it might be a little lighter. I thought, "Hmm, should have gotten a before & after shot." Then, later on, I ran over it a couple more times and seemed to make even a little more progress. "I guess that''s a tough stain, so this isn''t too bad," I thought.
Then I realized that my new carpet cleaner was still set on "rinse" for the second and third passes. I switched it back to "wash" and attacked the stain from a couple different angles. Now you can hardly even tell there was ever a stain there! I''ve had that stain for 4 years, and nothing--not spot cleaner, not carpet cleaners, and no amount of scrubbing--could put a dent in that stain. But a few passes with the Hoover erased the stain.
If you''re going to buy a carpet cleaner, buy this one.
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