Every 2-3 months (depending on use), you remove the cartridge, take the top off (it should unscrew), and pour used granules in the trash. Follow the instructions that AOS provides to refill the new granules (its very straightforward).
I always have 1 spare cartridge on hand because you must soak the newly refilled cartridge for 24 hours. If you are fine going a day without your humidifier every 2-3 months then you just need the one cartridge that comes with your AOS.
Thanks for taking the time to read my review, and I hope you found it helpful in making a purchase decision. Buy this item and not the beads separate. It is almost impossible to pack the beads yourself,
Buy Air-O-Swiss AOS 7531 Demineralization Cartridge Now
This product works very well. It is much needed if you have hard water. To spend a pretty hefty price on the humidifier and then not use the support product would not be wise.Read Best Reviews of Air-O-Swiss AOS 7531 Demineralization Cartridge Here
I am extremely happy with the Air-O-Swiss humidifer. It is easy to clean, humidifies well and the water demineralization filter is a big plus. I''ve seen no signs of white mineral dust I have seen with other humidifiers. I haven''t used it for it''s projected 3 month life span yet, but so far so good after 3 weeks.Want Air-O-Swiss AOS 7531 Demineralization Cartridge Discount?
We considered using RO filtered water or even distilled water, but this turns out to be by far the easiest and most economical way to purify the water we''re using in our Air-o-Swiss humidifier (which we just love!). The original one that came with the humidifier lasted a lot longer than we expected two months of nightly use so we''re glad we didn''t choose to lug a bunch of water jugs of distilled water. We just fill up the tank once every two nights at the faucet and we''re set. We haven''t see any issues with white dust from the minerals in the water, and we have hard city water.
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