Zuvo UV/Ozone Water Purator Water Filtration System ZPS128 Save 54% Off

Zuvo UV/Ozone Water Purator Water Filtration System ZPS128 With Moorea Brushed Nickel Faucet
  • Ozonation - In nature, ozone is generated by lightning and cleans the air where rainwater forms. The Zuvo Filtration system mixes ozone with incoming tap (safely) with water to treat taste and odour contaminants and improve taste. Like chlorine, ozone is a powerful oxidizer. Unlike chlorine, ozone leaves no chemical residue.
  • Ultraviolet Light - The ozone saturated water is flooded with high-intensity UV light - the same as the solar energy that cleans water in the upper atmosphere.
  • Photo-Oxidation - The Zuvo Water Filter System combines UV and ozone in a patented process known as photo-oxidation which releases powerful oxidizers to further treat the water.
  • Filtration with Lead Removal - Pure spring water is created by passing through fine particles in the earth. Zuvo uses the same principle by passing water through a Class 1 Particulate Reduction Filter, reducing chlorine taste and odour, lead, and tiny particulates.
  • Post-Filtration UV - The filtered water is again exposed to high-intensity UV light as it leaves the Zuvo Water System, ensuring that you get clean, healthy, great tasting water...just the way nature intended!

It''s just like getting the Zuvo purator for free if you are buying the Moorea faucet alone. Thanks a lot.

Buy Zuvo UV/Ozone Water Purator Water Filtration System ZPS128 Now

After using the filter for 30 days, we all taste the difference from before. the water is crisp and tasty.

However, I am not sure what this filter is filtering out. I have a water tester (TDS EZ) purchased from Amazon also. The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) tester measures how much particles are in your drinking water. The regular drinking water measure at 4-7, which is very good. Tap water generally measures between 250 to 350 TDS. I measured my water w/o the filter and it reads 340 TDS, with the filter it reads 360 (so it is worst). I have checked and calibrated the TDS tester and it works fine.

So the question remains, what does this filter, filter out? I think it is just a device to make the water taste better and clearer, but it does not really filter out anything.


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