My last expresso machine was also a Krups steam powered. Lasted for 13 years until it fell apart last week (the prssure valve inside broke). For my replacement machine, I was looking at fully automatic ones (Magnifica, $900), pump based (like cuisineart em-200, $200), and steam powered (like this item, $50). After reading all the review and knowing how pump based machine works, I decided not to go for them. The main reasons are they require a lot of maintenance and they can break down easily. I just do not want high pressure stuff in my house. If it breaks down, it may take a month or two to fix it. After warranty is over, it is more expensive to fix than buying a new one. I basically want a reliable espresso machine which can last 10 years with very little mainenance.
I typically makes a few shots in the morning as soon as I get up. I just do not see how pump based or full automatic machine can save me time. They require preheat which can take 1-5 minutes. For steam based ones, I just load up the coffee and water and wait. Both would give me pretty good espresso after 5-7 minutes.
As far as flavor goes, I do not really feel any difference between my cheap machine and starbucks/peet''s coffee, given using the same coffee. I think good espresso got more to do with type of coffee then the machine. Started drinking espresso drinks heavily in college in 80s, I think I am pretty picky on coffee.
I saw a local store carries this item at $49. I decided to give it a try since they have pretty liberal return policy. It turns out to be a pretty good machine, better than my old Krups and with high pressure.
The good:
(1) Pretty good looking among entry machines, although the price is $10 more than ugly ones.
(2) Makes good espresso drinks quickly
The not so good:
(1) The knob takes time to get used to. The knob has three seetings: off, steam and espresso. It is pretty easy for people to turn on steam when they want espresso, a potentially dangerous situation. Krups should have separate power button instead.
(2) The power cord is kind of short, 6 inch shorter than my old one.
(3) It is pretty hard to heat up the milk straight from the frig. You more likely to have a bunch of cold foams. The better way is to heat up the mil in microwave and then use the steam to make foam.
Overall, I recommend it as an entry machine.I''ve had one of these machines for several years and I just ordered another one for our vacation home. The beverage it produces is just as good as any. I use decent beans (Starbucks or comparable) and normal espressso grind. I rarely drink latte or cap, since I prefer full coffee flavor, but on the occasions I have, this machine has done a fine job. I agree with another reviewer that the plastic tube on the steam outlet isn''t really necessary.
I''ve had a chance to use the new machine a few times. Observations:
--At least one user reported odd chemical or plastic odor when using. I have not observed this.
--Someone expressed dissatisfaction with the need to steam the milk before making the coffee. This is NOT necessary. The instructions do recommend steaming the milk first, but this is only to avoid the frustration of using almost all the water/steam pressure when making the coffee, only to find that there isn''t enough left to steam the milk adequately. The milk steaming process uses only a fraction of the amount of water used to make an espresso, so under normal circumstances there should be enough left if you do the coffee first. Because of back pressure caused by compression of the coffee during the espresso process, after the coffee stops dripping out there is still quite a bit of steam left in the machine.
--Someone complained that there is no tamper. This isn''t a commercial machine, and it can''t handle enough pressure to make espresso with a fine grind if it''s packed very tightly. The instructions recommend NOT packing the coffee tightly. So the lack of a tamper is not a problem. You can use a small spoon to pack the coffee GENTLY.
--The container for the coffee is a very tight fit when you thread it into the machine, and it takes a lot of pressure/force to get the handle turned all the way to the front to the locked position. My previous machine was like this, too; it loosens up to normal very quickly with use. (If you were a fan of "Are You Being Served, this may remind you of the oft-repeated line, "Don''t worry, they''ll ride up with wear.")
--TIP: You can save some cleaning time by folding up a paper towel (in fourths)and putting it under the metal grate that goes beneath the coffee cup and catches drips. Every day or so, take out the paper towel and put in a new one. The paper will absorb drips and spills and changing it is easier than sopping up coffee that has dripped and pooled in the recessed area beneath the metal grate
To those who complain about the lack of a steaming container: use the carafe. They don''t advertise a special steaming container, so why expect one?
TIP: even if you use filtered water, the water will have dissolved minerals which create scale inside the machine. This may be the cause of slow brewing, excessive steam escaping, etc. Scale can cause this. To remove scale: pour a 50% solution (1/2 water, 1/2 vinegar) of distilled white vinegar into the machine. Screw the cap back on. Put the clean, empty metal coffee filter on, and put the carafe under the spout in the usual way. Turn on the machine. In effect, you''re making a carafe of espresso without the coffee. Let the machine run until no more hot solution comes out. You will smell a strong vinegar smell. Pour out the carafe, rinse, and refill the machine with clean water. Run the water through the machine, just as you did with the vingar solution. This will clean any residual vinegar out. The whole process takes 5 min or less, and you will be amazed at how much quicker you can make your espresso.
I have used the unit for over a month--about 4 times per day (OK, I''m hooked). Still working great, very quick, good results.
Buy KRUPS XP1020 Steam Espresso Machine Now
Granted, I worked at a starbucks for a little while after high school so I kind of knew the work that it could take to steam a pitcher of milk and pull a shot of espresso.For the price, I think this is a great starter if you''re strapped for cash or want to dabble with espresso & latte preparation. I''ve had mine for 2 years now. It''s the first one I ever bought. I''ve had to replace the coffee grind holder/handle once (for about $13), but other than that, i''ve had no problems. read the directions, they are great. they inform you that pressure builds within the machine and if you do not properly release the pressure upon completion, then yes, it will explode the grinds all over you. duh.
it''s pretty easy to clean and maintain. I bought a brush to clean the steaming wand.
It does not come with a frothing pitcher or a beverage thermometer (which i recommend) but they are both pretty inxpensive. I ordered one of each when i ordered my machine.
regarding timing, i put the water in my machine and it begins steaming within 1 minute-1 1/2 minute TOPS. Then when i''m done steaming my milk, i switch it right to the coffee setting and it dispenses my coffee instantly. thats good enough for me!
Hope this review is helpful. i''ve recommended this to many friends and I think its fantastic for the money.
Read Best Reviews of KRUPS XP1020 Steam Espresso Machine Here
I''ve made great cappuccino for many years using a similar machine. Better than store-bought. I thought the bad-mouthing reviewers simply didn''t know what they were doing. Well, I filled my 1020 with the correct amount of water and used a reliably good espresso grind, turned on the machine and waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually, a pathetic dribble of coffee came down. At the appropriate time, I turned the knob to froth the milk. I burned my finger on the jet of steam issuing from the knob-hole on the side of the unit. A weak fizzle came out of the frothing nozzle which never increased in volume. I gave up here and went back to making the coffee there was no more water to make steam. It had disappeared somewhere inside the machine and onto my countertop. This was such a complete failure that it was almost funny. Fortunately, I bought it locally, and can return it. I left little notes here and there in the packaging saying that this machine is a dud, and could burn you.I feel that Krups should recall these machines forthwith. They are a complete waste of money for the consumer, and a black eye for the maker.I just got one of these for Christmas to replace a similar unit I used for years. The first time I tried it, it spewed water and coffee grounds all over. It practically blew up! I reduced the amount of coffee (a good Italian espresso, pre-ground fine), and the same thing happened. According to the trouble-shooting guide, the grind was too fine. I tried a coarse grind with no blowups, but the coffee was wimpy. Apparently, this espresso machine wasn''t meant to make espresso coffee. This never happened with my previous unit. Pass this one up. It is simply a piece of junk.
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