- Remove scale build-up due to hard water
- Works on both hot and cold water systems
- Makes it easier to wipe clean ceramic, plastic, glass, and metal surfaces
- Scaly crust or stains in toilets or under faucets will be significantly reduced
big change in the amount of detergent being used in the laundry. All in all, it does a good job, and the price is very reasonable.
Buy Clearwave CW-125 Salt Free Electronic Water Conditioner Now
We have been using this product for about 2 months and found that the deposits from calcium have greatly reduced on the SS sink. The soap in the shower has more lather.Read Best Reviews of Clearwave CW-125 Salt Free Electronic Water Conditioner Here
Like some others I was leary of a product that claims to soften water by using some electonics and a wire wrap.Well I have to say my water has improved, dishes get cleaner in the dishwasher, no more white deposits on fawcets, toilets stay cleaner longer and the white film on the shower glass is much easier to keep clean.
One note on the installation that I advised the manufacturer of is the mounting tie wraps don''t work too good, You may need to use some duct tape to keep the wires wound tight to the pipe.
Want Clearwave CW-125 Salt Free Electronic Water Conditioner Discount?
I am not one to provide product reviews, but I had to write this one after those negative reviews I have seen. They must have either installed the unit wrong, or they have very hard water to begin with.This is the third home I have used a ClearWave water conditioner in. In all three homes I have noticed reduced scale build-up on shower heads,faucets, sinks, toilets and also on glassware in the dishwasher, to the point there is no more build-up. Shortly after installing it, the soap lathered more in the shower and my wife was able to reduce slightly the amount of soap used in the washing machine. I am a very satisfied user. This unit really did make a difference. Also, if you consider the relatively low purchase price, no maintenance and very low electricity use (only 5 watts), I do recommend this product.this thing I took a gamble on. I wasn''t all that sure that something electric could condition water and treat my hard water problems. I live in a rural area with very hard water. I have been troubled for years with constant lime (calcium) build up on shower heads and faucets. Looked at it when it arrived and thought I was taken. I hooked up the unit as instructed and I used a chemical remover to clean the scale from faucets and shower heads. I am very surprised and happy. The thing does what it''s advertised to do. I have noticed better lather when showering and so far no build up on the sinks or shower.
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