- The six layers include a sediment filter, mineral filter, pH balancing alkalization through ceramic media, ceramic phase for ray release and activation of water, coral media for proper pH balancing and a final sediment filter
- Filter re-mineralizes, pH balance, proper alkalization, far-infrared activation and balanced mineral elution of RO water
- Intended for use as a re-mineralization post filter for all reverse osmosis systems on the market
- Kit contains one 13-Inch pH balancing ceramic filter and two 1/4-Inch easy to install quick connect fittings
- 12 month filter
(As in the claim "Filter re-mineralizes, pH balance, proper alkalization, far-infrared activation and balanced mineral elution of RO water")
Reviews of final water ph on this filter range from "It does nothing" to "PH 8 and up"... and I know WHY this is so.
(BTW you can''t test water ph properly with paper strips!)
I just got off the phone with watts premier tech support and they tell me that ph 6 is neutral (!) and that is what the filter is specified to produce.
Every grade school kid knows 7 is neutral...more on that below...
What it actually does is produce a brief spurt of ph 8 water, then once the water that has been sitting in the cartridge itself has passed out the faucet, it reverts to doing nothing much.
Meaning after it sits a couple hours, it yields an initial cup full of alkaline water, then the rest of your water is pretty much untouched. Boo....
The science I used to test it three sources, my own calibrated lab ph meter with a water electrode, the local water treatment plant, and a separate test of my own with phenol red reagent. Results as described above.
The science they ignored to reach the "brilliant" conclusion that 6 is neutral:
The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral. A pH less than 7 is acidic. A pH greater than 7 is basic.
The pH scale is logarithmic and as a result, each whole pH value below 7 is ten times more acidic than the next higher value. For example, pH 4 is ten times more acidic than pH 5 and 100 times (10 times 10) more acidic than pH 6. The same holds true for pH values above 7, each of which is ten times more alkaline (another way to say basic) than the next lower whole value. For example, pH 10 is ten times more alkaline than pH 9 and 100 times (10 times 10) more alkaline than pH 8.
Also put a review directly on the manufacturers website. They declined to publish it.
Guys, the science does not lie. You can alkalize a few ounces of water sitting in the cartridge over a period of an hour or so, but you can''t treat water as you dispense it through that cartridge to an alkaline ph in a single pass that lasts only about 3 seconds tops...
VERDICT: Let it sit an hour, then test the first cup of water out of the filter, you''ll get ph 8 or even 10. Let it run a bit and then sample it, and it''s going to be just as acid as it was without this thing installed... !
Buy Watts Premier 560060 pH Balancing Ceramic 13-Inch Filter Now
I feel compelled to write this in response to a previous review. The first review is totally inaccurate due too the fact that pH filter was installed incorrectly. It''s not supposed to be installed on the line from the tank to the dispenser. It''s supposed to be installed on the line from the ro filter to the tank. That way, as the water slowly enters the ro storage tank, it is balanced by the ph filter. Then you have a tank full of ph balanced water available on demand. Better instructions should be included with the filter & on the Watts website as far as the importance of proper installation. I happened to come across this on another site when researching the ph filter. Try your ph test after installing the filter correctly. In all fairness the initial review should be retracted or amended until the filter is properly installed.Read Best Reviews of Watts Premier 560060 pH Balancing Ceramic 13-Inch Filter Here
I measured the pH of the water on first use, it was off the charts alkaline with a reading > 9.Then, I ran it for a while, and took another measurement. It was closer to neutral, between 6.5 and 7.5.
Then, I emptied the system, let it process for a while, and tried again. This time, it was off the charts acidic, < 5.
Can''t tell what this thing is really doing, but it certainly isn''t doing anything consistent and appears to be basically worthless.
Want Watts Premier 560060 pH Balancing Ceramic 13-Inch Filter Discount?
After more than a month still very happy with this product.Pros
Test performed by filling up to one gal pitcher.
Water tastes very good (Wife confirmed.)
PH was 6 now it is 8+
Alkalinity 120
Hardness 0
Installs fast
Comes with quick disconnects
Small size
I think filter addresses main health concerns of demeneralized water.
Google "world health organization demeneralized water pdf"
I will get full water profile in a month.
Water despenses slower
Standard RO water makes better cafe
Standard RO water cleans better
Standard RO water might be better for steam cleaner and iron
Installed between tank and polish filter, because flow to tank is ~.07 gal/min.
Higher PH in tank should extend it''s life and reduce chances of bacteria build up.
Make sure that you poke the pipe deep into the disconnect or you get water all over the place.RO water is corrosive as it seeks metals to absorb. Not as pure/absorbing as deionized water (which you shouldn''t drink) but still needs minerals to be added back in. Also, if there are any copper piping/fittings that RO water has contact with, it will eventually fail as it strips copper into the water. Copper is toxic in low ppm levels, so that''s another reason to add minerals back into RO water.
My RO water tastes better now. This changes the pH from acidic to alkaline by adding minerals, like calcium. City water should always be slightly alkaline for reasons mentioned above. Often lime (calcium) is added at the water plant. A good RO unit will remove most of the calcium in the city water and minerals in well water.
I think this is a must to have for drinking water off of a RO unit. Doesn''t make sense to use this without RO, as a review I read somewhere indicated that the water tasted funny. It make might if used with well or city water.
The intervals between change out would be dependent on the pH of the RO water it treats.
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