Pros: * Covers up and then removes odors * Product''s perfume smell does not mix with unwanted odors to create a mutant like stink * Product''s smell is not too strong and does not linger for too long * Product sprays evenly and works quickly * One spray releases just enough of the product.
Cons: As with most products of this type, some may find the smell annoying This is subjective. * Sometimes, some of the product will drip on to your hand, while utilizing This is a common problem with products like this.This product is wonderful. The scent makes the house smell fresh and clean. It is a good to feel that germs have been eliminated.
Buy Lysol Disinfectant Spray Now
This spray is great for cleaning and eliminating odors for several different products and surfaces.I have an old bag which had been lying around for a very long time and developed a really terrible smell. I even tried to wash the bag in the washing machine, but it didnt help at all. It was so bad that I had considered throwing the bag away.
I got this spray and used it on the bag and just overnight the smell was completely gone!Can''t gpo wrong with this product to keep the germs away during this winter''s cold season and flu season, too.It''s cold/flu season, you need to keep lysol on hand. Of course yet again, I forgot to buy some at the store, so I ordered this. Cheap and more than enough to get us through a month or 2 (I use daily)
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