After we installed the new filter, the water didn''t taste of chlorine at first drink. But if it remains in a glass bottle in the refrigerator for more than a few hours, the chlorine taste is still there. I''ve solved it right now by purchasing bottled water for the water we keep in our refrigerator. If we fill a glass from the filter and drink it immediately, there is no taste. But we like our water cold, and the water from this filter tastes quite strongly of chlorine after a few hours. (Our old, less expensive water filter never developed a chlorine taste. I wish we had stayed with that!) But we wanted a filter that removed fluoride from the water. Maybe I''m just a skeptic, but I can''t help but wonder if the chlorine filter does such a poor job of filtering out the clorine (which you can taste), is it really removing the tasteless fluoride! We are very disappointed in this product to say the least!
I looked into returning the whole unit, but the shipping would be expensive. So, I am going to purchase bottled water and put up with this product for a while until purchasing a different filter doesn''t seem like too bitter of a pill to swallow! I certainly wouldn''t recommend this one. I would probably give it zero stars if that were an option, except that the seller was prompt and courteous.
Buy CRYSTAL QUEST® Undersink Replaceable Triple Fluoride Water Filter System Now
after looking at several on here , I went with this due to floride filter , well made and good sturdy dispenser , not plastic like several , a plumber could have installed this in a hour , but because I didnt have the correct coupling under the sink it took a trip to the hardware store and several rebuilds to get the leaks to stop at my connection ,,,, not hard at all , just under every sink is different to connect to ..... had one leaking filter , called the seller 4 times and never got a call back! called the manufacturer and got it corrected instantly, they fould my name and order and were very helpful and sent me out bunch of o-rings I got the next day , turns out the problem leak fixed itsself , but now i have some parts if I need them ..........Read Best Reviews of CRYSTAL QUEST® Undersink Replaceable Triple Fluoride Water Filter System Here
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