I bought this water filtering system in early 2011 and really liked it because it worked so quickly and the water tasted fine. After a few months I needed more filters and ordered them on Amazon in November 2011 and they cost $18 for 6 filters (2 packs of 3). Today I installed the last of those 6 and went online to order more. They now cost $38 for a pack of three! The cost per filter has more than quadrupled. I really do not understand how they can justify this kind of price increase. This is just plain price gouging. I intend to find another type of filter from a company who doesnt try to gouge me.

(+) Filter has a good long life span, about three months for my usage.
(-) I have been unable to find it in major retail inventories. Freight
costing as much as the filter, doubles my cost of use.
Buy Clear 2O CWF1012 Water Filter (1-Pack) Now
I''ve been using the Clear2o system for a few years now, and think it is the best all-around.
The filter was delivered was delivered on time, and was reasonably priced. Will order again.
Read Best Reviews of Clear 2O CWF1012 Water Filter (1-Pack) Here
Clear 20 water filter system is really good! I''ve tried Brita and Pur and by far this one beats them. The water not only tastes good, but it filters so fast.
Want Clear 2O CWF1012 Water Filter (1-Pack) Discount?
Takes most chemicals out of the water I think it''s close to the best fiter available. Very reasonable price.
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