*** update 6/2012.... Still going strong, working perfectly five years later... use about once a week during the spring and summer. There is a spot to hook a strap onto the sprayer. I took the strap off my gym bag and use that, works great! Still happy with this purchase
Buy Chapin 20000 1-Gallon Lawn and Garden Sprayer Now
First of all I didn''t get what is shown no shoulder strap just the bare-bones sprayer. That was OK. I assembled and tested it as instructions directed. Then after just 5 minutes of use the forks that lift the plunger stripped and would not open the plunger to spray. No unusual force was used, just spraying a thin fungicide on plants. Also,a minor point: the instruction folder is in such tiny type size you practically need a magnifying glass to read it. However, as usual, Amazon''s return policy is the BEST!Read Best Reviews of Chapin 20000 1-Gallon Lawn and Garden Sprayer Here
This is the 1st time I have used a Garden Sprayer. Wanted to post a review so others can learn from my mistakes.1. Fill to fill line ONLY (if not when you pump it will spray out all over you)
2. Attach all attachments completely
3. Twist handle to pump
4. AND THIS IS IMPORTANT do not open anything once you have built up pressure
5. Continue to pump the trigger sprayer until you bleed the line and sprayer begins to spray.
I thought mine was broken because it would not spray as I did not bleed the line 1st. I opened the container and it like exploded all over me.
Now that I know how to use it, it works great. Nice even spray.
Want Chapin 20000 1-Gallon Lawn and Garden Sprayer Discount?
This is a good price for a no-frills garden sprayer. I''m not expecting a miracle at this price point and because of its all plastic construction, durability may be an issue. For $10, I can live with ordering a replacement if it breaks down after a 8 months to a year, but hopefully it won''t. [Product has now failed. Please see update at end of review.]I was looking for a labor-saving way to hydrate the more delicate plants and flowers in my garden and maybe administer some plant food through foliar feeding. I had been using a spray bottle and all that squeezing was very tough on the hands, so I finally decided to do the right thing and get a sprayer. Assembly is very easy. Attach the hose to the wand, attach other end to bottle. Fill with water or your desired mix of fertilizer or bug killer, insert and screw on the pump/handle and you''re ready to rock ''n'' roll. Flow rate is very satisfactory and you can adjust the spray pattern from a single stream to a fine mist by twisting the nozzle cap. Fully pumped, the stream reaches approx 25 ft out.
Design Flaws
I don''t like that the carrying handle and the pump action are one and the same. There''s a little notch that the handle locks into when you rotate it clockwise. This secures the handle in place so that you can carry the sprayer. To pump again, you have to twist it 1/4 turn counter-clockwise so you unlock the handle. Once fully pressurized, dissipation rate is good, but I didn''t like the extra step of having to lock and unlock the handle each time. I have to set the sprayer down, unlock, pump, lock again, pick up, then spray. Another minor issue is the squeaking sound of the pump, which I don''t really mind, but just pointing it out in case you do.
A secondary problem is the length of the hose (about 3 ft.) With the sprayer being held in a relaxed position in one hand (hanging straight down like a shopping bag), I can only bring my other hand to about mid-chest height in front of me. I can''t raise my wand hand above my head to mist tall trees and objects. On mist mode, you can comfortably spray anything from ground height to about 8 ft without having to raise the bottle higher.
Thirdly, there''s no caddy or snap-in clasp to keep the wand secure when the sprayer is not in use. I am expecting a random mishap to snap the wand because of this-either someone walking by and the wand snagging on some clothing, or it being stepped on. The wand looks especially fragile and susceptible to cracking. It is this product''s weakest link. Some sort of loop for attaching a shoulder strap to wear the sprayer would also be a welcome addition.
Overall, the Chapin 20000 is easy to use, but not without some design annoyances. For what I paid, I am satisfied with this product so far.
UPDATE: DIY Strap Add-on Modification
I was able to fashion myself a strap for the sprayer out of 2 key rings and a camera bag strap. Stamped onto the vertical support vane on either side of the neck is a circular identation (visible in product blowup). You can punch it out with a screwdriver and insert the key rings, then attach a shoulder strap. I now have a wearable sprayer that leaves my other hand free for other gardening tasks. It''s a bit clumsy and looks funny, but it works.
UPDATE 8/28/10
I am downgrading this product to 2 stars because after 4 days, the spray release mechanism has now unexpectedly snapped off. I had concerns about the durability of this product because of its all-plastic construction and did not expect it to last for very long, but less than a week is unacceptable, with less than 4 gallons of use out of this sprayer. The handle is reattachable via snap pegs, but it won''t stay on due to the force of the spring in the release value. The clamp had become worn. When pushed down, the lever pops back out. Buyer beware! Not recommended.
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