The 7 inch filters are running about $30 eaach, but this is far cheaper than bottled water. And there are no plastic bottles to dispose of. I have been using a set of Doulton filters for over 3 years, and the only reason I am replacing them is that I have noticed some nicks in the surface from scrubbing them with a plastic brush. The ceramic surface does wear with scrubbing, which is to be expected. You have to keep them clean so the water runs freely through them.
Doulton filters remove bacteria and parasite eggs and protozoan cysts, but not viruses. And the water tastes fine. I have friends who grew up in Ghana when it was the Gold Coast Colony, and their families used Doulton filters to provide drinking water. Doulton has a long and noble history in the pottery district of England.
I notice some people don''t like the steel vessels, and some do not like the plastic ones. You can make your own with 2 translucent plastic food-grade lidded containers (think large food storage cannisters). This is what I have. You just need to add a spigot near the bottom.
Buy Doulton W9121200 7" Super Sterasyl Ceramic Filter Candle Now
I installed these into our stainless steel Travel Berkey a few months ago and I can report that they seem to be doing the job, producing absolutely clear water. It seems to take a little over an hour to produce one gallon. Our water has iron bacteria. None of that makes it into the bottom of the Berkey, so, yay!Read Best Reviews of Doulton W9121200 7" Super Sterasyl Ceramic Filter Candle Here
We are very happy with these filters. We have purchased several sets and use them on a regular basis. It is amazing how much these filters remove from already processed ''city'' water. The water tastes much better and we are not buying bottled water anymore. When they do get coated with the filtered junk, they can be cleaned with water and a scrubby and are ready to go again for another 4 6 months.Want Doulton W9121200 7" Super Sterasyl Ceramic Filter Candle Discount?
Anyone can setup and have a basic water purification system for home or outdoors for just a few dollars.This is the fundamental component needed for such a system.
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