- Provides clean, clear and great tasting drinking water; filters and optimizes water into a gourmet ingredient
- Reduced Lime-scale: Significantly reduces water hardness and other unwanted elements, uniquely suited for cooking and making beverages
- Fast flowing output: High volume flow rate makes large capacity fills quick and easy
- Sustainable: Mavea offers the only comprehensive recycling program in the industry- one filter equals up to 2,000 bottles of water; Unlike Reverse Osmosis systems, Aktiv+ wastes no water
- Made in Germany with a lifetime quality guarantee

I came across this water filtration system while looking for an alternative to an RO system. Actually, an alternative to any water filtration system using plastic tubing connections. I will no longer consider a system like that for myself or any of my customers. I have heard of too many stories of people getting flooded because of a blown tube and serious damage to the house was the result. Then, it happened to me. Fortunately I was home and my dog woke me up when she heard the noise in the kitchen and I was able to shut the water off before something serious occurred. I was just never motivated enough to search for an alternative until that happened. What inspired me about this system is the connections. Stainless flex hoses and no plastic tubing!! Size of the system, cost and the low maintenance were the other key points that got my interest. Being able to change the filter without turning the water off, what a concept! So I ordered one. The description on Amazon did not say much about the kind of faucet included so I was real curious about that piece. It arrived today and so far I must say, this system looks fantastic. The included faucet looks like something you would pay at least $100 for. The quality of everything in the box is top notch and they even give you a brass tee fitting should you need one to tap into the cold water supply. I plan on installing it this weekend and will provide an update after install and later after it is in for a few months. But for now, I am extremely pleased with what I have seen. My rating will change to 5 stars later if all goes well. I will be telling all my customers about this as I inform them about the experiences of many as well as my own personal experience with plastic tubing systems. Think twice before going that direction. Nothing is full proof but plastic tubing systems create the weak link in your plumbing system. Just not worth the risk. Yes, any plumbing line can give you an issue. But when I hear stories of major floods in homes, 95% of the time an RO system or some other plastic tubing system was behind it. Updates on this Mavea product to follow.....
*** Update 9/22/2012 Post installation: System installs very easily, no leaks anywhere upon initial test. Still very impressed so far. Water flows great and looks and tastes fine. Will update in a few months.
Buy Mavea 1005744 Aktiv+ Premium Under-Sink Water Filtration System Now
Installation is very easy, I was able to remove dishwasher air gap which meant I did not have to drill granite counter, could have also removed soap dispenser, not an issue if you have Formica counter top that is easy to drill, I did add a spacer under granite deck to make installation easer because of my deep sink tightening nut with space was easily done with 9/16 deep socket, without spacer deep socket would bottom out, but the main reason I like this filter over others, is the water supply connections are flexible braded steel, not push in or tighten plastic lines that will eventual fail especial in high raise condo building with water pressure at 90psi,also size compared to reverse osmosis system , and ease of filter change compared to everpure that are difficult to seat properly especially older style .
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