Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic In-The-Bowl Disc Save 53% Off

Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic In-The-Bowl Disc, Spring Waterfall, 2-CountI''m always trying new products too. And when I just replaced the guts of my main toilet, I read I am not supposed to use the Clorox Bleach Tablets that go In the Tank!! As they eat at the rubber, and It''s probably why It needed replacing after 4 years. The bleach tablets are expensive and work really good. BUT this Is the next best thing. It does leave a fresh smell and keep the bowl clean with out bleach In the tank.

Mine lasted around 3 to 4 weeks the same as the other reviewers, but they are 1/2 this price at Target right now as another reviewer pointed out.

I was shocked at the price on here, and will wait until I''m near Target. BUT If You don''t drive this Is the #1 product as the site gives It #1.

It (THEY) really work.

I started using these because I have little kids who don''t always flush and because my plumber told me that the bleach tablets for the tank void my toilet warranty. So, I wanted something nice smelling when the kids (or I) eventually do flush. These things smell like toilet bowl cleaner and the scent is very strong. It was making my kitchen smell like toilet bowl cleaner, so I took it out after about two weeks. They also get kind of goey and drippy as they "melt". I have a very sensitive nose! Do they clean your bowl? No. Does it mask smell? Yes. And then some. It creates some bubbles too, no blue color though. I think I would be happier with an odor neutralizer. I''ll scrub my own bowl!!!

Buy Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic In-The-Bowl Disc Now


Lysol In-The-Bowl discs do have a strong scent and you''ll be able to smell it from anywhere in the room.

The product fits perfectly into the toilet, hanging at just the right place.

Major Con:

They do not clean. Since using these I''ve had to clean the bowl more often than when I was using nothing. They seem to speed up the creation of water line rings and discoloration. The product is worthless as a cleaner, only buy if you''re in it for the scent.

Read Best Reviews of Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic In-The-Bowl Disc Here

I was looking for my own brand of toilet bowl cleaner and freshener when I happened to see these. I stopped to take a peek at them as I had not seen them in the store and they looked simpler to use than what I had previously purchased. I read the product review and ordered one package in each scent. I waited to write a review until the cleaner had been put to use. Here is how it went.

I had previously used a cleaner/deodorizer that slipped over the edge of the toilet bowl just as this one does; however, it was in liquid form and had a little flange on the bottom of the disposer that allowed the water of the flushing toilet to leech some of the product out with each flush. Once the flange was situated correctly (and therein lay the problem with that product), it worked quite well. I really had no problem with the "working" of the product. But getting it in and out of the toilet was a messy, unpleasant task.

So when I saw that Lysol''s product was a solid, I decided immediately to switch brands. The worst that could happen would be that the new product had to be returned to Amazon. Since their return process is so easy, I decided to take a chance.

I have been using one Spring Waterfall disc in my front toilet and one Citrus disc in the back one. The front toilet is standard sized while the one in back is a "high riser." The disc cartridge fits both toilets easily. I measured the length of the hook that goes over the toilet lip and it is about 3 and a fourth inches wide, so I imagine it will fit most bowls. Just to be sure, take a look at yours before you buy. I found the hooking mechanism to be quite sturdy; although, one lady who used the "Lavender Fields" product had a problem with hers breaking. Hopefully this was an anomaly.

The instructions are on the back of the packet in writing and in pictures and are quite clear: 1. cut open the package 2. Put the product over the rim of the toilet under the seat 3. Dispose of when it is gone 4. Wash your hands.

Instructions are also available for what you should do if you get the product on you. For the sake of the reader of this review, I became a mini-scientist, and got the product all over my hands and forearms and left it there 10 minutes. I was unwilling to poke myself in the eye with the product on a finger, but in case you do that a number is on the back of the product so that you can call in the event that this should accidetally happen. After 10 minutes, I had no reaction at all to the chemicals in the disc. But if you are one of those unfortunate souls who is allergic to everything, you already know to wear gloves when you must do such procedures. The number to call if you have a reaction is: 1-800-228-4722.

Cleaning and Deodorizing: The disc has been in place 3 weeks now and it has been 2 weeks since the toilet was actually scrubbed. For that amount of time, it has seem normal use. It has also had to contend with a dead bird, the contents from my Bissel Sweeper, and occassionally a deposit of Kitty Litter approved for the toilet, has gone down its throat. Each toilet remains clean and white and each bathroom smells quite nice.

A great positive on this item is that it is supposed to last 8 weeks. My last product only lasted 4. Not having to deal with or think about the toilet is very good.

I feel that the cost of these discs, considering that they are delivered to my front door, and gas is almost $4.00 a gallon, is minimal. I just hope this becomes a "Subscribe and Save" item so that they may be delivered regularly relieving me of the responsibility of having to ''think'' about buying things for the toilet.

My opinion is that these are a great new product and a wonderful find. I hope that you will try them and feel the same way!Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic In-The-Bowl Disc, Citrus, 2-Count (Pack of 2)Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic In-The-Bowl Disc, Spring Waterfall, 2-Count (Pack of 2)

Want Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Automatic In-The-Bowl Disc Discount?

It seems to help keep the bowl cleaner, but I just can not take the overwhelming smell from this product. I also do not like how it looks sitting in the bowl. I will be looking at other solutions.

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