After 3 or 4 years of trial and error tinkering, this KX Filter was the final piece of the puzzle!
We eliminated nearly all odor problems with the sanitizer, and cleaned up the occasional odor flare up with tinkering(changing salt brands for cleaner salt/less brine tank maintenance; adding 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide to the brine tank semi-weekly to fight residual bacteria; adding 1 cup dissolved potash product to the brine tank per month to aid in reduction of tannins from the high mineral content of our water).
We have notoriously hard water with high iron and mineral content.
The final piece of the puzzle was knocking out the faint rusty/metallic taste, and the mild, but noticeable metallic "taint" of the water when showering.
We tried 4 different types of filters before finally settling on this CTO 20 5 micron carbon block.
Finally, the last piece of the puzzle.
We can now drink directly from the tap and the water tastes clean and fresh.
Zero odor, zero metallic aftertaste.
Also, no noticeable change in water pressure after passing through the 5 mic carbon.
5 big stars for KX Matrikx.I normally buy a 20 inch carbon block filter from one of the big home improvement stores, but like everything else they decided to stop selling them. I was paying over $65.00 per filter. The KX Matrikx filter is an awesome buy, at $47.00 and it works very well. I purchase these filters because I have the "rotten egg" smell from my well water. This filter does the trick.
Buy KX Technologies MATRIKX-CTO2-HD20 MatrikX Whole House Filter Replacement Cartridge Now
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