Living in a rural area contributes greatly to my asthma and severe allergies. Working outside, bush hogging or doing any number of outside chores really aggravates my symptoms. After retreating indoors I had constant sneezing, watery itchy eyes and coughing. It was time for an air purifier! I researched air purifiers very thoroughly before making this purchase; especially expert reviews regarding how well this unit compared to others and customer reviews to see if folks found it an effective unit and what problems, if any, they may have encountered. I finally decided on the HealthMate HM400 Air Cleaner from Austin Air. I ordered two of them, one for the living room and one for the bedroom. The living room unit is only on while I am watching TV, the bedroom unit is kept on all night. Both are kept on the II setting. The difference for me has been nearly instantaneous! It was a Eureka moment when I suddenly realized hey, my eyes aren''t itching as much, not coughing, and not sneezing!! (My allergy symptoms have been reduced I would say by 50% and I hardly ever have to "hit" my inhalers anymore.) I recommend this unit without hesitation, for me it was the perfect choice. It is on the upper end of the price scale, but, in my opinion absolutely worth the money. These units have been in my home since April 1st this year and so far, so good. If there is any change in my opinion of these units I will post it.
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