The only time it leaked is when I poured too much water into the top chamber. Once you get an idea on how much water it takes, it will not leak if it is setup on a level surface. It paid for itself after two weeks.I love this product! I wanted a water cooler for along time but didn''t want to deal with water delivery service or carrying/lifting heavy bottles, this seemed like a great solution. Like another reviewer I had a hard time separating the top half from the bottom half when it came out of the packaging they were "suctioned" together and I needed help to get them apart. You need to soak the new filter for a half an hour: charcoal colored bits came out of it and I was concerned that it would get into the water but after the half hour soak and rinse all was clear. Our water tastes great with no chlorine/chemical odor. Filling the top every couple of days is easier to me than arranging for bottles to be delivered or remembering to put out the empties and have to lug in those heavy bottles. And with back problems there''s no way would I be able to lift the bottle to put it on top of the cooler, so this is the perfect answer. I purchased it along with an Avanti hot/cold water dispenser unit Avanti WDP75 Hot and Cold Water Dispenserwhich unfortunately is defective (and the company has terrible customer service) so I''ve ordered a Clover cooler and hoping for better luck (and returning the Avanti.) The Greenway Water Dispenser Filtration System is a very smart idea, great design, and works well. And bonus, it is attractive and looks better on top of the cooler in my kitchen than the delivery bottles would.
Buy Greenway Water Dispenser Filtration System Now
We bought this product and we have been using this for about 2 weeks only. I can actually say I don''t regret us purchasing this. We are actually thinking of purchasing one for my parents. I''m sure they will love this. I have even compared this water to other high end water bottled water and can see there is a differen in taste and quality.Read Best Reviews of Greenway Water Dispenser Filtration System Here
Tried everything, would rate lower based on shady packaging. I realize everyone is trying to save a few bucks here and there, but the packaging was horrible. The top is wedged into the bottom and I could not pull it out. I tried everything from soaking it in soapy water to having someone help me. Thought I finally got it to budge and then I noticed the bottom part was cracked all the way up towards the top. Wasn''t able to use it, threw it in the trash out of frustration. Would not recommend to anyone until they improve on the packaging!Want Greenway Water Dispenser Filtration System Discount?
I live in a 3rd floor apartment, and we were lugging 2 5 gallon jugs of wter up all the flights of stairs at least every week. I figured out the price of this jug versus the water we were hauling, and it came out to the same cost with less hassle. It''s like a Brita pitcher, but much bigger.The only thing that I can find that I don''t like so well is that it leaks a little around the filter, about a drop of water ever 3 seconds or so. It''s not a big deal, but it bugs me slightly.
I sat mine on one of the crock-style bases and have had no issues whasoever. I prefer my water room temperature or slightly cool, so I sit the crock by the window in the winter time to keep my water a few degrees cooler. All around, a great purchase.
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