My father-in-law needed a cleaner to wash my deck off with I handed him the ZUD. After a quick scrub my deck was spotless!! He asked me, "what is this ZUD cleaner??!! It is absolutely amazing!!" No joke he has seen it all living on a farm, building boats, etc. and says this is the best cleaner EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I can breath a little easier knowing it still exists!!!!!!!!!
Buy Zud Heavy Duty Cleanser Powder: 16 OZ Now
I was looking for a cleaner for my tub and found this under my kitchen sink. Honestly, I looked at the container and didn''t think it would work, but after using Tilex and scrubbing for a half an hour, I didn''t think it would hurt to try. I''ve never seen my bathtub so clean!! It is honestly the most amazing product I''ve ever used!Read Best Reviews of Zud Heavy Duty Cleanser Powder: 16 OZ Here
(#1 Hall OF FAME REVIEWER)(TOP 10 REVIEWER)I have had back problems for several years and have not been able to scrub my tub. It has been a year since my back surgery, and recently I felt well enough to attend to my tub that badly needed cleaning. I was looking for a powder cleaner as I knew the job ahead of me will be tough. What attracted to me to Zud is the description said not to rub too hard as it does a the job with mild scrubbing, this is important because my back is still pretty fragile.Zud arrived in a nice large container (photo attached with a pen next to it for size reference). I was disappointed that it did not come with a removable cover, as some other powder cleaners. Once you remove the adhesive strip from the top of the container, you are left with holes wide open. To re-close the container I had to use packing tape. Otherwise you are risking spilling the entire content of the package if the package gets knocked over.
I am attaching the pictures of my tub before and after the cleaning. As you can see the stain is not entirely gone. Improved, but not gone. I worked on the stain for 30 minutes. I started with a mild cloth and gentle rubbing. Then a more stiff brush. And I scrubbed hard. Very hard. For 30 minutes. The good news is that the powder did not scratch the surface of my plastic tub even with hard rubbing, however as you can see the stain is still visible. I plan to repeat the scrubbing again, perhaps the repeated applications will work eventually.
Zud did not work as well as I hoped and certainly light scrubbing was not enough.
Ali Julia reviewZUD was a miracle. I was living with a hugely, deeply rust-stained bath tub for 3 years (it was in that condition when I bought the place). I think the tub is fiberglass. I tried bleach, which was a big mistake. Over time the bleach slowly added new yellow stains to the orange rust stains that were already there). I tried tilex, comet, baking soda, vinegar, even Tide with bleach alternative -you name it. I thought it was hopeless. What worked a bit was the baking soda, by the way. I just continued to cover the stains up with the biggest tub mat I could find and looked into whether re-finishing the tub was an option. Finally I did some internet research and discovered ZUD. It completely eliminated the stains -ALL the stains -the deep orange rust stains as well as the yellow stains from the bleach -all of which were there for at least 2 years. The tub looks like new!!! I''m pinching myself to make sure it''s real. I could kick myself for not having seriously researched the stains long ago and discovering ZUD.
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